Course Details

  • What is it?

    This is a 5-week course that teaches you how to convert files from different formats, conduct online research, collect data and format them into useful information. We also show you how to land jobs, as well as, gain and maintain your clients. Our aim is mainly to equip you with the relevant practical skills you need to deliver quality service to your clients.

  • Who is it for?

    This course is designed for anyone who is learning what data entry entails and how to earn a living from it. Whether you’re starting from scratch or have some experience in the field, the course is suited to elevate you to the next level. Keep in mind that undertaking this course, will need you to be committed, driven, and focused.

  • Why did we come up with it?

    At Wingu training, our goal is to create a freelance workforce that can deliver the kind of quality the online market needs and fill the gap that currently exists. We Strongly feel that freelancers need more systematic, advanced and extensive training on data entry to compete in the International Market. The present market is full of shallow , low quality courses and Tutorials that don’t add any real value to your overall data entry career and don’t help you much when it comes to support , gaining relevant in-depth practical skills that gives you an edge in todays market.

Course Overview

Deliver value and get consistent work

In this course, we give you detailed information about what data entry is and the different services you'll be offering. We will also cover the requirements and useful tools you will need to deliver the different data entry services. To help you land jobs, we teach you how to build a professional portfolio and use it to approach clients. With data entry, we understand that the easiest way to master it is through constant practice. Hence, you will receive constant practical tests every step of the way to evaluate how much you've mastered. We also provide you useful feedback on each test and give you insights on where to improve. To ensure that you will be on-demand, this course is designed to give you the right and relevant practical skills that set you on the right track. So, if you feel that data entry is best suited for you and are dedicated to becoming an expert in the field then this course is for you. Not only will you be earning money, but it could grow to a full-time income. Join us so that we can help you kick start your journey to success!

Course curriculum

  • 1

    Chapter 1: An Introduction to Data Entry

    • Setting The Foundation - Please Read This First
    • How This Course Works
    • Chapter 1 Video Lesson ( 55 Minutes)
    • What is Data Entry?
    • Services offered in Data Entry
    • Where do these jobs come from?
    • Who is a Data Entry Professional?
    • Qualities of a Good Data Entry Service Provider
    • Essential skills for Professionals in Data Entry
    • Dispelling the Myths and Misconceptions present in Data Entry
    • Ethics Section for Data Entry Specialists
    • What Can You Expect From This Course?
  • 2

    Chapter 2: General Principles and Basic Requirements

    • Chapter 2 Video Lesson - 25 Minutes
    • Introduction
    • Data Entry Basic Principles
    • Communication and Comprehension Skills
    • Improving Your English
    • Exceptional Typing Skills
    • Requirements for a Successful Career in Data Entry
    • Tools Required for Data Entry- An Introduction
  • 3

    Chapter 3: Tools for Data Entry

    • Chapter 3 Video Lesson (22 Minutes)
    • Physical Requirements
    • Characteristics of a Good Work Environment
    • Compilation Tools
    • Research Tools
    • Tips to Keep Your Work Orderly
  • 4

    Chapter 4: Skills Training

    • Chapter 4 Part A Video Lesson (21 Minutes)
    • Introduction
    • PART A: File Conversion Data Entry
    • Image to Word Conversion
    • Chapter 4 Practice Test 1: Image to Word Conversion
    • Image to Excel Conversion
    • Chapter 4 Practice Test 2: Image to Excel Conversion
    • PDF Conversion
    • Chapter 4 Practice Test 3: PDF Conversion
    • Transcription
    • Chapter 4 Part B Video Lesson (19 Minutes)
    • PART B: Web Research Data Entry
    • General Internet Research
    • Chapter 4 Practice Test 4: General Internet Research
    • Marketing Research
    • Chapter 4 Practice Test 5: Marketing Research
    • Lead Generation and Contact List Building
    • Chapter 4 Practice Test 6: Lead Generation and Contact List Building
    • Yellow Pages Scraping
    • Chapter 4 Practice Test 7: Yellow Pages Scraping
    • Chapter 4 Part C Video Lesson (5 Minutes)
    • PART C: Online Form Filling and Miscellaneous
  • 5

    Chapter 5: Getting Paid for Your Services

    • Chapter 5 Video Lesson (18 Minutes)
    • Introduction
    • Trustworthy Websites offering Data Entry Work
    • Setting up Accounts for Your services
    • How Does Data Entry Work Pay?
    • How to Speak to Customers
    • Avoiding cons and scammers
  • 6

    Chapter 6: How to Set Up a Portfolio and Respond to Data Entry Jobs

    • Chapter 6 Video Lesson (14 Minutes)
    • Introduction
    • Building a Data Entry portfolio
    • How to Get Started
    • Other Places You Launch Your Data Entry Portfolio
    • How to create your Portfolio Step-By-Step Using
    • 5 Self Practice Tests to add to your Portfolio
    • Proven Upwork Cover Letters Video Lesson (25 Minutes)
    • Proven Upwork Cover Letters That Will Land You More Data Entry Jobs
  • 7

    Chapter 7: Common Mistakes In Data Entry

    • Chapter 7 Video Lesson (10 Minutes)
    • Common Mistakes In Data Entry
  • 8

    Chapter 8: Mindset and Mentorship

    • Chapter 8 Video Lesson (16 Minutes)
    • Introduction
    • Importance of Having the Right Mindset
    • Mentorship Pointers for Beginner Data Entry Specialists
    • Ethics for Data Entry Specialists
    • Dangerous Myths about Data Entry
  • 9

    CHAPTER 9: Data Entry Practical Assessments and Submission Guidelines

    • Chapter 7 Video Lesson (7 Minutes)
    • Assessments and Submission Guidelines
  • 10

    Chapter 10: Closing Remarks and Q&A

    • Chapter 10 Video Lesson (8 Minutes)
    • Plan Of Action Video Lesson (2 Minutes)
    • Plan Of Action - Step By Step Blueprint to Success
    • How To Get Started on Fivver
    • More Tips on Fivver For Data Entry
    • How To Get Started on Upwork
    • Closing Remarks and Q&A


Angela M.

True eye-opener

Angela M.

The training has been a true eye-opener. It's taught me a lot about what data entry entails. I have been able to gain so much knowledge and skills in a couple of weeks. I loved how I was not under any pressure to complete the course; I could always go back over what I do not understand. The support team has also been amazing at guiding me whenever I felt stuck. The skills I got from the course have helped me build a successful career as a data entry expert. I can get consistent work and enough earnings to pay all my bills from the comfort of my home. How amazing is that!